A company never stands still
—You’re either moving forward, or you are per definition moving backwards!
Just as you have started to get comfortable that you know what you are doing, you deliver to the liking of your customers and you are profitable – then it is time to take new scary steps of development. The market moves on, new products come after yours, customers behaviours change, you cannot stand still, you have to move with the market or you’ll soon be left behind.
Sometimes it is about fine tuning your offering, specializing on a particular customer segment or moving to a more central location. Sometimes it is all about scaling up, whether that is through organic growth or through mergers and acquisitions. Maybe the most difficult thing is to actually get time for the work involved in planning and strategizing for those changes in the midst of the hectic everyday business
Itzinya specializes on helping companies get in control of the change, to get the priorities right, the decisions made and the actions taken, in a process as simple as ever possible. We do this as Certified Partners with GrowthWheel.
Give it a 10 minutes try right here!
Go through the 20 Focus Areas and assess according to your own standard. It’s supposed to be a gut-feeling so no more than 10 minutes.
First chose what you want to assess from one of these three choices:
1. How your business is going right now?
2. In what areas do you see opportunities right now to grow?
3. What do you need to learn as an organization in the coming 3-6 months?
Then score yourself from 0-100% by clicking on the grey fields in the GrowthWheel 360° Screening Tool.
© GrowthWheel International Inc.
Ta-daa! A 360° overview!
What can you do with that? You can chose (click on) 3-4 different Business Areas to focus on in the coming 3 months and see where it leads you? GrowthWheel call those “Focus Areas” and we agree, because we find this is the main problem we all have, to FOCUS enough time and energy on what you already know is the most important things.
If you think a bit of support in this process would take you further, that is what we do at Itzinya! We help you dive down into the Focus Areas by using simple yet super effective tools and processes, for better result. Just give us a shout and we help you get started.